Patient Experience Promotion

Take advantage of the largest distribution channels to Patient Experience professionals in existence.

Promotional Opportunities

Meridian Placement has invested countless hours into building the largest database of Patient Experience professionals stretching across various platforms and distribution channels. 

We provide many options to capitalize on the networks we’ve built.

Sponsored Job Listings
Texting Promotions
Email Advertisement
Social Media Promotion
Budget Friendly

Work with our team to come up with the perfect promotional package for your needs.

Promotional Packages

Sponsored Job Post

Add your job opening to the top of our list of Patient Experience jobs.

Email Marketing

Include your job opening and/or product in our monthly email.

Custom Meridian Placement Marketing Package

Customizable Combination Of All Options We Can Think Of That All Fits Within Your Required Budget.

Social Media Promtion

Promote your job and/or product across all our social media channels.

Website Ads

Place an ad on our website for all visitors to see.

Trusted by leading health systems and associations

We work with healthcare facilities of all shapes and sizes. Academic, children’s, non-profit, community… you name it, we’ve assisted them.